Thursday, February 11, 2010
Today I admitted to M. how I sometimes have a tendency to exaggerate. In response, M. jotted down a note on her wall calendar and read it aloud.M: "February 11, 2010 - Jake exaggerates for the first time. Jake, this is historic!"
Later, after M. pretends to toss her chair at me for being 'feisty,' I stick a bent paperclip out of my mouth and mock her calendar entry from earlier.
J: "Feb. 11 - M. tries to throw an office chair at my face!"
M: "Jake, what is that? Nobody in their right mind would think that paperclip is braces. Oh, so you're at home playing charades and you put a paperclip in your mouth. What am I?"
She takes a paperclip and lets it hang from her lower lip like a single Count Dracula fang.
M: "Nobody is going to guess it's braces."
J: "You look like a vampire."
M: "Do you know what you are, Jake? You are bats! That's right. You're bats. You don't have rabies, but you spread it around everywhere you go! Just like bats."
Just then, M.'s Famous Friend walks over and announces that she's adopted some kittens and has to get one of the males neutered tomorrow, so she'll be running late. She thinks he's 'spraying' in the house.
F.F: "Sometimes I smell when I walk into my bathroom at home. Like, I smell something bad coming from the kitty room next store. Do you think the smell is coming from my cat? What is so funny?"
M.'s Cube Mate: "I never get mentioned in the blog anymore." :(

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