Saturday, January 23, 2010
M: "I'm very lady-like in my gum chewing abilities."M: "Don't write that."
I ask M. more random quirky questions:
J: "If you had your own factory, what would it make?"
M: "Shoes."
J: "If you could eat only one kind of food for the rest of your life, what would it be?"
M: "Italian."
J: "If you could build your own robot, what would it do?"
M: "Clean my house, do my laundry."
J: "If you had to design a postage stamp, what would you put on it?"
M: "A picture of Buddha."
J: "If you were a superhero, what would your superpower be?"
M: "Invisible."
J: "If you had a shrinking device, what's the first thing in your house you'd miniaturize?"
M: "Memo." (Her pet Chihuahua.)
J: "If you could invite one special guest of honor to your birthday party, who would it be?"
M: "Rock N Rolla."
J: "If you could have any kind of animal for a pet, what would it be?"
M: "Horse."
J: "If you could jump into a swimming pool full of any type of food, what would you choose?"
M: "Smooth peanut butter."
J: "If you had to smell like one thing for the rest of your life, what would you choose?"
M: "Patchouli."
J: "Instead of leaves (or money), what do you wish would grow on trees?"
M: "Clouds. Imagine it! Little clouds, big clouds, all types of clouds growing on a tree."
J: "What's one thing you could do every day without getting bored of it?"
M: "Sleep."

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