Tuesday, October 20, 2009

M. drops a pile of multi-colored post-it notes on my desk. Each one has a hand-written name on it.

J: "What is this?"

M: "I'm name dropping, Jake." (She giggles.)

J: "But these aren't names of celebrities."

M: "Jake! What are you doing here. You should be home resting."

I had some minor surgery yesterday on the pit of my left elbow. There is a white bandage taped to my arm. Not to be outdone, M. takes a small white towel and attaches it around her arm.

M: "Sure, Jake. Just because I had major surgery yesterday you had to go out and copy me." (She leaves the towel wrapped around her arm through lunch.)

J: "We've never had a serious conversation, M. It's like a switch is always turned on in your head. Why can't we just talk?"

M: "What? Why can't you be serious, Jake. You are impossible to talk to!"

I run over and rub her Buddha's little head.

J: "Do you want to write today's blog?"

M: "What?"

J: "That would be hilarious if you wrote a blog about today."

M: "What are you talking about, Jake? What blog?"

J: "Never mind."

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