
Random txt conversation:
M: "Other than the fact that you have black heads, oily skin, dry patches, sun damage, pimples and moles, YOUR SKIN IS GREAT!!!!!"
M: "No one is perfect, OK Jake!! My skin is perfect if you take away the imperfections. Don't be jealous!!!!!"
M: "And... let me add... This was told to me by a professional."
M: "Yeah! Not just some stranger on the street or some crazy person."
M: "Because really... If you take away someone's illness, they are healthy!"
M: "I've been enlightened. I feel like I should start practicing medicine."
M: "It takes some people YEARS of studying to figure out what I just did in 5 minutes."
M: "So if you put one and one together, I am a genius with perfect skin. YOU should be feeling lucky to know me!"
M: "Don't be jealous!"
Twenty minutes later...
J: "OK. I'm not."
M: "You're not what?"
J: "I'm not jealous."
M: "You SHOULD BE!!! What is wrong with you????"
J: "Some people have priorities, OK M? We don't waste time on frivolity."
M: "Hahaha! I'll bring some anti jealous tea on Monday."
J: "Now if you made a decision to do THE RIGHT THING and get an ass peel... I would be very happy for your chair."
M: "Besides, frivolity is not a waste of time, it's a temperature."
J: "iTard! Have a good weekend."
M: "You too!"
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